Saturday, December 21, 2013

Holidailies Day 21: Testing, Testing

I decided to try doing this from my phone, since I didn't want to have to wait for my computer to start up. It doesn't even take that long, but I didn't have a whole lot to say and I get way too easily distracted by Facebook and games. This is way less likely to distract, but if there are any glaring typos, I blame autocorrect.

Tonight my family sang at church, just one song, but it was fun. And we do it again tomorrow, then jet off to hang out with family for a few days. Hopefully that will equal more time to formulate posts and all that. I feel like I haven't had huge amounts of time to devote the last coupe of days. Or maybe it's just that today was long, so it feels like that. At any rate, it's time for bed and I'm tired of typing on my phone. Tomorrow may be another short post, unless I remember to do it while we're driving out.

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