So apparently, when I'm low on insanity, I must come up with ways to inject more into my life. It amazes me that I just now realized. Enter NaNoWriMo, the short way of say National Novel Writing Month, which takes place in November. 50,000 words. 30 days. How much more insanity could you ask for?
I actually heard about this last year, but it was already about half-way through the month, and finals were looming, so I declined to start late. Then, last night while wandering around the internet (after creating this blog...) I remembered this opportunity and went to go check it out. Minutes later I was signed up, and now I'm trying to figure out a plot, characters, title, main agenda, etc. So far I've figure out it will probably be YA, probably sci-fi/fantasy, and hopefully very humorous. I just have to find something that I can sink my teeth into. We'll see. One thing I do know: this certainly helps get me to my goal of writing more in the near future. And if I make it through, it will be further proof that I can withstand incredible pressure and not come out of it babbling like a maniac. Because if four years of finals twice a year couldn't do it, 30 days to write 50,000 words could.
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