It has been a crazy weekend/beginning of the week. I was sick, but running around doing stuff all weekend in preparation for the visit to Rocklin to move a bunch of stuff from one storage facility to another (much cheaper) place. Then, because I was already IN Rocklin, I of course had to visit a bunch of people in the area, and wander around the school for awhile marveling at how much has happened since I left those hallowed halls 6 months ago. And I got to go to the concert with the new advanced choir and the Wind Ensemble, which was so amazing. Can I just say, Eric Whitacre? If you haven't heard his music, look up his Virtual Choirs. For serious. They are absolutely brilliant.
Unfortunately, all of this madness has meant my word count for the weekend was just under 2K for the weekend and a big whopping 0 for the past two days. And today I slept until 1 pm, simply because I was so freaking exhausted from the tail end of sickness, and not getting whole lot of sleep when spending the night at my friend's house on Monday. So I got the whole day started late, and there was a whole lot of catch up on life that I had to do before I could even think about writing. Including writing this blog, because this is sort of my way of psyching myself up for actually getting around to this whole writing thing. It's not like I haven't thought about the novel at all. I mean, I talked about it with all my friends, including the one who helped me iron out a lot of the plot in a pre-November brainstorm. It's just I didn't actually write, not even 750words, which was sad because it means I lost the monthly challenge and my streak. I tried, but even writing on my phone, I couldn't find a half an hour to myself to work on it.
So here's to word counts and getting back into the swing, and hopefully writing enough to feel like I'm caught up with everything and can live my life.
Catching up seems to be the main part of NaNo for me - I hope I get on target eventually or I am only going to finish about the day after Nov ends!