Well, I can tell you one thing: There is something brewing in my head that started tonight and will probably come to fruition either tomorrow or Monday. So at that point, I might have something to write about. Finish off the month on a good, solid, deep note and all that. But tonight I'm just so keyed up and so tired of it that I don't think I can write anything without giving voice to all the turmoil in my head right now. And while I've definitely employed that technique a few times this month, I prefer to be more organized in my thoughts. More analysis, less vitriol. So tonight, this is just an explanation of the events that led up to (are leading up to?) what I'm going to touch on later.
Today started in Reno, where I've been for the last week with family. I left midday and made it back in time to spend about an hour and a half in my room decompressing before heading out to church. Which was awesome, and a kind of poke in the butt in a way (a good way), and also amazing to be back in that community. I'd no idea how much I'd miss having school midweek until I went a whole week without it and now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to handle this next week that we have left on break.
Thankfully, I got the chance to go and hang out with friends afterwards, which led to a couple of hours of good conversation that was (blessedly) not about job searching or all the other insane circumstances in my life right now. It was more just good, organic conversation that is the most fun (in my opinion). I get tired of only having one or two things to talk about as like, small talk. Like, what did you do this week? Well, recently my biggest answer has been hunting for jobs and that leads to all the same questions. Not that I don't appreciate advice, and often I seek it out. But sometimes, it's just nice to talk about something else. So that was good.
Now I should sleep (the other reason for not doing a big long thought post tonight, because it would take way too long). I'm getting there early tomorrow to help out at the bookstore, so I'm excited about that. I love books. Even if it's painful to not be able to buy any of them. I can pass my love onto others and then ask if I can borrow their books when they're done with them. It works.
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