Sometime mid-November I had a very important realization: If a person is broke, and utterly tired of eating the same things day in and day out, there are very few options outside of McDonald's that are (somewhat) affordable. And I don't consider McDonald's an option, because I can't eat their food without cringing/getting sick to my stomach. Not a good thing. So what is a person to do? My conclusion that it was probably time for me to learn to cook. At least a few basic meals outside of spaghetti and things that come in bags or boxes from the frozen section. Because again, expensive.
I managed to make it all the way through college and over a year of living on my own without this, which should be regarded as a miracle. Mostly it was because for most of the time that I've lived in my apartment, I've had a job and was able to occasionally buy prepared things to vary my diet enough to keep me from screaming. When that course of action was no longer available, and I realized that this really was a life skill I should explore, I panicked a little bit.
I've mentioned before that my position on being born a girl was not exactly favorable for most of my life. Frankly, it seemed boring to me. I'd much rather read/play video games/run around playing with the boys. It took me a long time to learn how to do all sorts of basic girly things like putting on non-stage makeup for a job interview. Cooking was definitely on that list. Although, oddly enough baking has always been something I like. Probably because cookies. Much better motivation most of the time.
But I've been trying to come to terms with that whole part of my identity, the part where I'm a girl and am maybe even allowed to act like one occasionally. Plus, the aforementioned "I'm so freaking tired of eating the same things for the last 6 months" reason was pressing on me and the combination of the two are what led me to today. Actually looking up a recipe for a dish I've never made without supervision, actually going to the store with a list in mind, and then promptly pulling out the one casserole dish that I own and making a casserole with an actual vegetable (broccoli), beef, potatoes and cheese. And fried onions on top. Because that's never a bad idea in my experience. I can't tell you how it tastes yet, because I'm taking the time that it's cooking to write about it. But it seemed simple that even I cannot mess it up, I who once forgot to strain the noodles before adding the cheese mix to boxed mac 'n cheese (that was a fun night...).
Next up on my list is washing a bunch of new kitchen things I got from my family and putting them away in our newly empty kitchen (because my roommates are moving out at the end of the month and packed all their stuff away yesterday), and then figuring out how to stitch up one of my favorite pajama/costume shirts which has a stripe falling off. Eek. Needles = sharp objects = possibility of many small holes in my fingers in the near future. But if I can wield a knife without cutting off a finger (yet), I should be able to manage. Here's hoping.
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