Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Holidailies Day 4: Christmastime is Near...

Well, it could be here already. I suppose that depends on who you talk to. I have some friends who start counting down to Christmas in July, and some who studiously ignore all mentions until Dec. 24th (sometimes not even that early). I just noticed that Christmas seems to me to be tied up with, "well, winter is here." Which is why I thought about it today, after going outside to take out the trash and get the mail and coming back in after 5 minutes shivering. Granted, I tend to be a wimp about the cold, especially after living in the Rocklin area for a summer and getting used to 90 degree days for about 6 months solid... even 70 degrees when fall took over seemed chilly to me. Anything under 50 (which is what it was when I last checked) is like jumping into ice water when I go outside.

But there are other indicators too. For instance, I'm bell ringing for the Salvation Army at the mall tomorrow, which should prove to be an interesting experience. Fun, even. Hopefully not too cold. Plus, there was the Christmas decorating madness at church on Sunday. And my sudden inexplicable desire to listen to the Christmas music that I like, which is a very short list.

The problem is, Christmas has never been my favorite holiday. I mean, it's fun and presents are pretty brilliant. And when I was a kid it meant going to grandparents houses, where there was often snow, cool toys, and lots of cookies (still love the cookies).

But then there's the stress of performing and trying to organize all the different schedules into a few days when you can actually be together without having to run off a few hours later. And the music. That's been my main issue with Christmas. Music. Why? Partially because I was in choirs, and a professional caroling group, for all of high school and college. For choir, you start singing Christmas music in September. By the time December rolls around and you're suddenly inundated with it EVERYWHERE, you're utterly sick of most Christmas music. Plus, most radio stations already have issue with varied playlists that get so much worse when Christmas rolls around. It's like the same 15 songs, various different versions of them, and if it's Christian radio, adding another 5 EVEN CHEESIER ones that are Christmas themed. Seriously people. There is so much good Christmas music out there. I have certain albums that I stick to, and the quality of the music is good enough that I actually have no qualms listening to it year round. That's my criteria: If I don't want to listen to it in July, why would I want to listen to it 100 times in December?

This particular issue has gotten a little better the last couple of years, being barely involved with performance groups (and actually not at all this year, which is really especially weird for me). But still. I stay far away from most radio stations in the month of December.

But I think the bigger thing is I've just never been a big all-out celebrator. For anything, really. I mean, usually it's either me (when I was living at home) or my youngest brother who bugs my parents until we go get a tree and get it decorated. But still, that's about as far as it goes. I don't go in for ugly Christmas sweaters, up until a couple of years ago I was always way too busy with school and performing to even think about doing major stuff until right before the day... It just was never my thing.

Except for Doctor Who. The Doctor Who Christmas Special... now that I'll get excited about! Even this year, when it means losing Matt Smith. *Excuse me while I go into a corner and cry...*

There was theoretically a point to all this. Maybe just that it's cold outside (I really can't stay...) and it got me thinking about Christmas. I haven't really decked any of my own halls yet. That waits until I have money to buy decorations. Maybe that will make it seem more real to me. Especially if I get cool geeky ornaments, because really, who doesn't need a Bazinga ornament for whatever tree they happen to get? And then if people get that, I can wish them a Happy Saturnalia and they can look at me all strange until they make the connection to Big Bang Theory. It'll be good times.

But until then, I maintain my slightly apathetic viewpoint. As Relient K says, "And the half of me's all about apathy, and the other half just doesn't care." (Coincidentally, their Christmas albums are two of the ones on the list of acceptable music to listen to during the season.)

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